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Call Us:207-321-9452

Our Expertise

  • Neonatal Nursing
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Gastroenterology
  • Surgical Services including Endoscopy
  • Workers Compensation
  • Nursing Process
  • Quality and Medical Staff Credentialing

Our Services

Screening Cases for Merit
  • Most importantly using a Legal Nurse Contsultant to screen medical cases can eliminate pursuit/expense of non-meritorious cases.
  • Legal Nurse Consultants can zero in on the incident in question and all relevant data surrounding the incident...
Medical Records Analysis
  • Review and interpret relevant medical records, hospital policy and procedures, adherences or deviations to the standards of care and any other pertinent documentation related to the incident in question.
  • Identify causation, assess...
Assist with Preparation of Interrogatories and Request for Production
  • Assist with discovery by preparing interrogatories and request for production.
  • Serve as liaison by interviewing and preparing clients, key witnesses and experts.
Identifying and Locating Expert Witnesses
  • Assist in identifying appropriate experts that will strengthen the credibility of your case.
  • Locate the necessary expert witnesses whether physicians, nurses, life care planners or others.
Preparation of Basic to Extensive Written Reports and Chronologies
  • Provide brief, medium or extensive written reports that highlight the significant medical events and clarify how they fit into the overall case analysis...
  • Assist in the development...
Additional Services
  • Assist in the development of questions for deposition and/or trial.
  • Attend and report on independent medical examinations.
  • Facilitate prep of exhibits and other demonstrative evidence.
Our goal is to treat each attorney-client with individualized service to meet their needs.

What is a CLNC®?

A CLNC® is a registered nurse who has successfully completed a certification program and passed the certification exam. As a nurse the CLNC® has worked with medical records on a daily basis giving them the expertise to quickly pinpoint and interpret the medical and/or nursing issues in any medically related case. They have the inside knowledge of how medical facilities operate, the standards of care required by state and federal agencies and a working knowledge of the nursing process.

The experience of a CLNC® allows them to cost effectively and timely screen medical cases for merit, identify the true issue in medical related cases and translate volumes of medical records into easily understood reports or chronologies. A CLNC® is the attorney-clients secret weapon!

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